
a month that felt like sand sliding through fingers…one impromptu trip to DC (the reason will be revealed in the coming months), another to OH to see my nearest/dearest, and long days at the beach that languish into a holy shit the end of summer is upon us. and it’s this particular seasonal transition i struggle with. there’s something about this time of year that is melancholic. i feel like the goddess demeter who mourned the return of persephone to hades - the dark underworld. dramatic take on things but that is how things land. so these help me remember that sweet taste of summer - the warmth of the sun, the sound of the sea and the feeling of warm sands teeming with dragonflies, butterflies and golden skies and the dark twilight with fireflies.


the month of high summer … the heat never gets old. long days of humidity, the air thick with the sea. all is bright and infused with a blossoming of heat, a big sun rising and a full moon setting over the sea. it began with wide span of possibilities and unfolded in a way i didn’t anticipate.

the dust of life

sunflowers & heart puddle - witches memorial, salem

“Watch the stars in their course and imagine yourself running alongside them. Think constantly on the changes of the elements into each other, for such thoughts wash away the dust of earthly life.”

- Marcus Aurelius

When the past and present collide, it’s like a star explodes in my mind.

In a back and forth with one I’ve known for most of my life, she asked “Where did our youth go?”

after a moment, what surfaced -

“It left before we had time to fully embrace all it encompassed.”

The past few weeks I’ve been reminded of traces of many days past.

Finding that tug into the waves bittersweet knowing it’s a mind trap to wander into the meadows of distant shores

Better to be in the tall grasses we stand in today.

2022 - the opening

It was a year when the world bloomed again and as life defaulted to what was before, it was almost like 2020 never happened. Not sure how to square that. I know there are plenty of many who were (and are) elated to be back out bursting in the sunshine. For me? I needed a gentler re-entry- kind of like steeping tea, I needed time to settle and soak in. Moving from silence to screaming has taken a bit of adjustment but in retrospect, I can’t deny the magnificence of being among people.

And I wasn’t alone - my day job was bananas as everyone everywhere was ready for in-person events again and it was a swirl of one running into another but amazing to travel and breathe in the air of new places despite the surrealism of 1000s of people huddled together without masks, but here we are.

In the midst of it all, just for fun, I had a serious hard drive crash and nearly lost every single photograph I’ve ever taken. I can’t describe the feeling one has at the possibility of one’s art being wipe clean. I got the lesson and took a good chunk of in preparations for a proper back-up system (hello synology). And because that wasn’t enough fun, the camera I’d had serviced was returned in a very different state (would not focus). As my go to for many years, I took a leap and unloaded my mainstay mark IV and fuji x for an R6 which has a bit of a learning curve.

All that to say, it wasn’t a year of abundant photographing with a camera and more of a year where my phone camera because a sketchbook. But I still have a handful of images I deem treasures - ones that linger long after they’ve been taken, and for that I’m grateful.

the ride

Kissed by the sun
As it was going down
The echo’s reverberated
Into a beautiful kind of sound

So far away
So close
There is so much to say
All i know
That i can do
Is to walk along the way

Hit by stardust from above
The moon began to rise
Raindrops fell upon my face
And grew into a sigh

Of everything
Of nothing
Of all that is to be

Of all that was
And wasn’t
It’s really just a dream

So far away
So close
There is so much to say
All i know
That i can do
Is to walk along the way

2021 in review

How to encapsulate a year in retrospect when it all seems like a blur of wild blooms in an epic bouquet. There were thorns that cut through tears leaving blood scars but the lightness on the other side of that is revealed in this years review. Ever so thankful for a little group I still connect with weekly that leads to this - my favorites continue to be those on the esoteric side - blurred with soft waves of a presence. I remember where my feet were planted and what the air smelled like.

For many it was a year of struggle and pain…odd as it may be, for me - it’s led to deeper connections with others and myself despite the distance and isolation. It’s been a year of wonderment and pixie dust who’s seeds are rooted in my heart.